Monday, January 16, 2017


Although I screwed up my first attempt, I was determined to make last night's cutie my one night stand -despite what my friend thought was the written law of one night stands. So when he called and asked to take me to dinner, I readily accepted and made sure to spray a little of Bath and Body Work's Juniper Breeze between my thighs.

When he showed up at my door it took every bit of me to maintain my composure. The club lights did no justice for his looks . He was beautiful.
The entire date went well, he was quite the gentleman but I had to continuously remind myself that I was only there for one purpose; the risk. At the end of the date, I hinted at going home with him which was an epic fail.
I've never seen a barracks before-show me your room.
Maybe tomorrow, its getting late and I didn't clean before I left.
This man absolutely refused to take the bait and my pride wouldn't allow me to push. By our third date, I had resolved myself into finding a new one night stand candidate. That night, he suggested we take a walk. I secretly rolled my eyes at his casual conversation. Like a pouting child, I gave him one word answers. When he grabbed my hand and kissed it, I quickly put it back in my pocket. I was frustrated and felt like a failure.  

Are you okay? He stood in front of me looking concerned.
 Yes, I'm just tired.
Ok, let's get you home.
On our way back to my place he took a detour.
C'mon I wanna show you my room.

He flashed that same familiar smile and jumped out of the car. I walked in behind him.
There was nothing special about his room and I don't recall much more than it being dark and small. Perhaps that's because as soon as he closed the door he grabbed me and I entered into a full romance novel. I was now playing the role of the shy, conservative girl and he was the seducing bad boy. I was standing in the center of his room when he approached me from behind and ran his hands down the small of my back, while pushing my head forward and kissing the nape of my neck.  At first the small occasional bites were questionable but my body signaled its acceptance and quickly became warm. I could feel the temperature rise in my cheeks and small beads of sweat congregated under my bra strap. I stood still. This is no longer a one night stand. Wait stop yourself before its too late.
My mind was conflicted by the strong desire to feel his touch and the bitter taste of adding another number to my sexual encounters.

He pressed on by placing his body up against mine and strategically sliding his leg between my thighs which caused my knees to buckle. I fell back into his chest and he slowly swayed back and forth with me in his arms. Damnit this is not a one night stand. I wanted to run away and yet at the same time I longed to stay. He grabbed my chin and tilted my face away from his, I felt his lips graze my jawline like he was sampling different flavors of ice cream.  He paused to inhale my smell.  My mind and body froze but I felt every bit of sensation he offered. We didn't say a word but our  heartbeats held their own conversation; mine pounding in my chest and his pounding in his pants.  What will this mean? I'm in Hawaii. Stop. Thinking.

He came around and stood in front of me grabbing each hand inside of his then placing them around his neck. I never really appreciated my collar bone until his finger gently traced over it. My arms went limp as he picked me up and began to carry me to his bed. I was weak and lost all resistant, control, care or concern; I wanted him as bad as he wanted me.

His touch, kisses, slow caress and whispers in my ear seem to put me into some time of trance because when I woke up I was lost. It was pitch dark and I had no idea where I was until I felt his hand on my thigh.  I had no intentions of ever seeing him again. That's when the guilt set in.

I think its time I go home.
You should stay.
No... I should go.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hawaiin nights

I  spotted my subject from across the room bobbing his head to the beat. He was extremely handsome, light skinned with curly locks of hair. His tan colored shirt laid loosely across his muscular chest--his legs sprawled out revealing his high end shoes. He was the only man in the club wearing "I think I'm cool" sunglasses which made me instantly hate him  but at the same time I was intrigued by his sexiness.  I knew his type: the kind of man who smelled delicious, stood way too close to you and ran his fingers down the small of your back without even knowing you. He definitely fit the mold of the player type. Yup he was the one night stand type. I ordered a drink to help build my confidence and come up with a plan .

The smile he continuously flashed while talking to his friends was boyishly gentle.  Beside the occasional bobbing of his head and toe tap to the music, he hadn't moved all night so I didn't expect our paths to cross until I walked up to him. At the rate I was moving, I had plenty of time to practice my approach. What do I say? Do you want to have sex tonight and never call each other again? Do you wanna have a one nighter? Hey you...take risks with me. I sounded like an idiot in my own mind and desperately needed another drink.

At the bar, I grabbed a seat and scanned the bottles adorning the shelf. The bottle shaped like a huge penis caught my eye. Perhaps a Tequila shot? No that's too strong, I won't last the night. I better stick to wine.

Need some help?

I felt his hands on the center of my back before I heard his question. I turned and my eyes met the center of his chest. Slowly and cautiously, I scanned the rest of his body until my eyes met his: thick legs ✔, six pack ✔, muscular chest ✔, smelled good ✔, sexy lips ✔, dimples ✔, tiny freckles highlighting his beautiful face.... cheeeeck! Wow. He was so amazing and much better looking close up.

When his eyes met mine I immediately recognized him as my soon-to-be one night stand from across the room. However, the way he stared at me made me uncomfortable. he looked at my lips as if he wanted to kiss them. I wasn't prepared to ask this guy for sex, I turn back towards the bar. Nope, definitely need a drink first!!!

Did you need me to give you some suggestions?

Actually no but thanks

 Like a dummy, I responded without thinking I wanted him to go away...he made me nervous. He smells so good.

I could suggest something good. You seem like a Martini type of girl-am I right?
He wasn't going away and leaned over the bar towards me.

I can't have a serious conversation with you in those sunglasses,  I whispered under my breath.

I was pretending to be annoyed but he responded by flashing a smile and pulled off the dark shades. Damn. I regretted having to see his chestnut brown eyes. I felt like I was falling for him right then and there.

Is that better? Bartender get her an Apple Martini and me a scotch. Tell me, what brings you to Hawaii?

Between his forwardness, intoxicating smell and sweet smile, I was putty in his hands. I had completely forgotten my main agenda. I learned his name was Malik . He told me about life as a naval man and asked me several questions about law school. I tried to stay focus on our conversation but after a few drinks I felt my courage creep up from behind.

So what are you doing after this?  I spit it out as if I'd been holding rat poison in my mouth

I'm not sure.  He bit his lower lip.
I don't have any plans. I guess I'm just gonna go back to my apartment?
Do you need a ride?
No I have a ride.
Ok well can I have your number, I'd like to see you again.

I struggled to hide my smile while writing my number on the cocktail napkin. Afterwards, I stood up and slowly walked away hoping he was catching a glance at my booty as I walked back to my table. I was so excited to share my ballsy encounter with my friend but was quickly depleted after being reminded that a one night stand never includes exchanging numbers or planning future dates.